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How search any HINTS directly in game:

You see (press LEFT ALT key) at papers, labels or displays on the walls in background.

If you want repeat introduction animation of game, press key: R. After animation, when game wait for your action.
If you want leave introduction screen, press key: SPACE or CTRL or SHIFT or ALT (and or MOUSE BUTTON).

Into empty safe box is possible insert only one thing. With exception: one pair of gauntlets.
If is into safe box one gauntlet, you can add other one gauntlet, but only second side of pair.

Air pipes hide shotcut. It can be use for quick way up or down.
But of course: you must be enough strong. It is: LIVES higher than 50.

Water plants its good habitat of various microbes. Some of them in bigger deeps luminesce.

How open bottle?
It's easy. Click on pent bottle in INVENTORY with RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON. For cap from bottle must be in INVENTORY indeed free position.
Open bottle is possible again pent. Of course only there with red liquid. Click on cap in INVENTORY with RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON and if is there also that specific bottle ...

How drink from bottle?
Click on any full open bottle in INVENTORY with RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON and taste.

Where however empty bottles filled? There where you see drop any liquid.

Follow snake's hidden ways:
You crouch (SPACE key) and go. But you must be fit (HEALTH bigger than 50) or have snake's KNOW HOW deep inside head.

UCU Universal Control Unit be abble send three different wireless commands:
CU between commands O (on) and X (off) switch automaticaly after use this. Third Command (ask) you must set.
For set command click in INVENTOTY with RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON on Control Unit.

How see at wind from deeps:
Direction and power of wind before fall to deep you see after (press LEFT ALT key). Only if deep is alike three Blouma (96 pixels) and more.

Jumps longer than one Blouma (32 pixels)?
Yes, indeed must be fit (HEALTH bigger than 50) and you must have bat's KNOW HOW about flight. If it all right press SPACE key.

Submerge under water level.
You must hawe frog's KNOW HOW about it. But also you must have store of air in lungs. If it all right press ARROW DOWN key.

This you possible make on water level (sail). For get air store to lungs you must be enough strong (HEALTH at least 70). If it all right press ARROW DOWN key. More air in lungs also remove redundant store of water from body.

If you want get air store out (above vater level) click on bubble in INVENTORY with RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON.
Under vater is air store slowly consume. But you possible puff off more bubbles if press TAB key.
Next option for remove air store is drink various liquids from bottles.

Too much water in body: it's no good. Try a little spit out (press TAB key). All water remove only breathing or other liquid.

EMPTY HEAD easy and quickly:
Adventitious skills occupy space in Blouma's memory. And so also positions in INVENTORY. Sap from plant with name ZOMBERRY makes after drink state between live and dead. In this state is possible safely manipulate with memory. Shortly: now click in INVENTOTY with RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON on skill and remove this.

Sleep forces. If Blouma sleep restore partly also at the same time HEALTH.

woodbreaker in stepwatch mode
This mode is active after fall woodbreaker on the floor. If you must move around, use cat walk. If have woodbreaker within reach, caution take him.

watcheye and RC (remote control)
How deactivate watcheye mode? Firstly you send command ASK (probe) and after it command OFF.

If after command ASK you send command ON woodbreaker activate time delay mode and countdown started. Countdown already don't stop.

How be on while invisible?
You must have KNOW HOW by ligh's entity about shines. If it all right press H key.
This know how help to you also in darknes. Ligh's know how operate only on dry land.

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/page 1/1 Editor of this pages: one lost and once again found developer (-JS-). Thanks for your interest. 26/12/2023