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How store actual state of game?
Cick with right mouse button on up area letters BLOUMA'S. After ask choose YES.
SAVE you can use only if Blouma stand on fast floor. No on: stairs, ladder, rope, water or underwater ...
Next: Blouma must be at full sense. No: pause, sleep, zombie ...
And next: no use into tutorials.
Attention: Is posible have at the same time only one position saved. Actual game state always rewrite previous stored state in files. It's simple solving without use fileselector.

How load last stored state of game?
Cick with left mouse button on up area letters BLOUMA'S.
LOAD you can be use everywhere, with except tutorials.
If files with saved position no exist, program command LOAD ignore.

If program started and TUTORIALS is off and DEVELOPER'S MODE no active and if exist files with saved position, show option LAST SAVED POSITION.

If arise any problem after next start game:
You try delete all files end with .sav in game folder.

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/page 8/9 Editor of this pages: one lost and once again found developer (-JS-). Thanks for your interest. 20/01/2024