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Inventory: It's Blouma's storage with things, which carry. In inventory can be mostly six things.
Any things use Blouma automatically on right place or situation. Other only after click on thing with left mouse button.
Any things is possible put to SAFE BOX. Any things after use itself destroyed (keys, coca leafs ...).
Because no always and no everywhere you have needful thing, you can use shortcut with INVENTORY EDITOR.
This is possible only in TRAINING MODE.

How open and use INVENTORY EDITOR:
Press TAB key and in the same time click any mouse button on up area with lettering BLOUMA'S. Actual content of inventory is copy to area under inventory. Here you can edit content after click with any mouse button on arrows.
After DONE program send new content from edit area to game inventory and rewrite old content.
Quickly erase thing: click with any mouse button directly on thing.

Possible problems:
Therefore any things (skull, trestle ...) for correct running of game must be in one piece, after DONE program automatically this repair. Any things can't be together. This is also automatically repair after DONE. But things, which are somewhere in game (safe box ...) program at repair ignore. Therefore is possible after add new thing, found in game labyrinth, have more pieces that things in inventory. It is repair after any action with this thing at play game.

Blouma be able with except things obtain also special skills. Fort examle diving and swimming under water.
His special skills show after click on free place in inventory. Also skills you can edit in INVENTORY EDITOR.
attention: DEMOVERSION of game show skills and things in INVENTORY together.

keyboard control:
TAB + F1 (F2): if TRAINING MODE YES .................. -> enter to editor

number keys: 1,2,3,4,5,6 (no numeric pad keys)........ -> choose inventory position

number + PAGE UP: .................................... -> change content up

number + PAGE DOWN: .................................. -> change content down

number + END: ........................................ -> delete content

RETURN (ENTER): (no numeric pad key).................. -> DONE

C: ................................................... -> CANCEL

number key 7 (no numeric pad keys).................... -> inventory things or skills

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/page 4/9 Editor of this pages: one lost and once again found developer (-JS-). Thanks for your interest. 28/05/2024